
Identity of CIA Agent Who Checked Lee Harvey Oswald’s Mail Months Before JFK’s Assassination Revealed, Previously Reported UFO Sighting, and Bizarrely Died On 30th Anniversary of JFK’s Assassination | The Gateway Pundit | by Anthony Scott | 163

As The Gateway Pundit previously reported, on June 27th the Biden administration released over 1,000 documents pertaining to JFK’s assassination in accordance with the President John F. Kennedy Assassination Records Collection Act.

The New York Times in an exclusive report was able to find a gem in the newly released documents and discovered the name of the CIA agent who was checking Lee Harvey Oswald’s mail just months before President John F. Kennedy’s assassination.

The newly unredacted  memo revealed Reuben Efron was the CIA agent who intercepted mail sent to Lee Harvey Oswald from his mother.

Not much is known about Efron but except that he was born in Lithuania and later arrived in the US through Cuba in 1939.

He later served in WWII as an interpreter due to the fact he spoke German, Hebrew, Yiddish, Russian, and Lithuanian.

Take a look at the unredacted memo document below:

Previously Efron’s name was redacted:

For the most part, Efron is essentially nonexistent on the web, however the New York Times did note that he was mentioned in a unclassified CIA document that revealed Efron spotted a UFO in 1955 while traveling in the Soviet Union with Democrat Senator Richard Russell of Georgia.

Per the New York Times:

 Whether any of the withheld documents would shed more light on Reuben Efron is unknown. His name on the mail intercept memo intrigued Mr. Morley. The memo was sent to Betty Egerter at a C.I.A. unit known as “the office that spied on spies.” On the day of the assassination, Egerter’s boss told the F.B.I. that the C.I.A. had no information on Oswald, who in fact had been monitored when he moved to the Soviet Union. A document released long ago showed that the agency opened Oswald’s correspondence from Nov. 11, 1959, to May 1, 1960, and again from July 1, 1961, to May 25, 1962.

Efron was born in Lithuania in 1911 as Ruvelis Effronas and arrived in the United States via Cuba in 1939, according to immigration papers that described him as a 5-foot-3, 135-pound “merchant-salesman.” In addition to English, he spoke Russian, Lithuanian, Hebrew, Yiddish and German, and served in the Air Force during World War II as an interpreter.

His obituary said that after the war he was “a specialist on the Soviet Union and consultant on foreign affairs” without saying for whom. In a harmonic convergence of conspiracy, Efron reported seeing a U.F.O. in 1955. He was traveling with Senator Richard Russell, Democrat of Georgia, and an Army colonel on a train trip through the Soviet Union when all three spotted what a C.I.A. report called two “flying saucers.” Skeptics later suggested they were Soviet aircraft. Russell was among the Warren Commission members in the room for the Marina Oswald interview that Efron attended in 1964. As it happened, Efron died on Nov. 22, 1993 — the 30th anniversary of the Kennedy assassination.

Here’s one of the pieces of mail, Efron intercepted from Marguerite Oswald:

The CIA’s report on the letter:

Bizarrely, Efron died on November 22, 1993, which just so happens to be the 30th anniversary of President John F. Kennedy’s death.

You can read the declassified documents here and make sure to read the Gateway Pundit’s report on new declassified documents that reveal Lyndon B. Johnson denied an independent investigation into JFK’s death:

Declassified JFK Files Reveal Soviet Intelligence Secretly Urged President Lyndon B. Johnson To Investigate JFK’s Assassination, Johnson Later Emphatically REFUSED Independent Investigation

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