
“Judge Cannon Blew It – Big-Time” – Mark Levin Reacts to Judge Cannon’s Decision to Set Trump’s Classified Docs Trial Date For May 2024 – 6 Mos Before Election | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila | 42

Mark Levin reacted to Judge Aileen Cannon’s decision to set the Trump classified document trial date for May 20, 2024 – less than 6 months before the 2024 election!

This is election interference.

Levin said Judge Cannon, a Trump appointee, “blew it – Big-time” and said she has given her “rubber stamp to the election interference scheme of the Biden DOJ and the Democrats.”

“Judge Cannon blew it. Big-time. A criminal trial in the middle of a presidential election, when I believe most of the primary races are over (or many anyway). And if Trump is found guilty on a single charge, even if he appeals, he will have to carry that into the general election, should he be the GOP nominee. This is why Smith, with the backing of Garland, was hellbent on getting indictments in place and demanding an early trial. He got what he wanted (moving the trial from December to May is inconsequential). So, Cannon has now given her rubber stamp to the election interference scheme of the Biden DOJ and the Democrats. She just didn’t have the guts to stare down the rogue prosecutors and tell them that they will have to wait until the election is over to start their trial, assuming none of the coming (hopefully) motions are not fatal to their case. There is literally no reason to have ruled this way. And every reason not to.” Mark Levin said in a tweet on Friday.

Mark Levin said while Trump is being targeted by Biden’s DOJ, dark money is being used to lobby secretaries of state and attorneys general across the country to keep Trump off the ballot.

“Meanwhile, dark money Democrat billionaires are funding leftwing groups that are lobbying secretaries of state across the nation, as well as attorneys general, to keep Trump off the ballot, citing Sec. 3 of the 14th amendment. Once Smith drops his next slew of charges relating to Jan. 6, they will contend Trump led an insurrection and, therefore, should not be eligible to be president. And just in case Trump gets through all of this, Eric Holder and Adam Schiff have already said he should be immediately impeached if he wins the general election,” Levin said.

The damage to our country is “incalculable” Levin said.

“Therefore, it is the Democrat Party position that the election should be overturned and the results “denied.” Good job, Judge Cannon. You really screwed up. And it should now be clear to anyone who is not a die-hard Democrat, that the damage being done to our country is incalculable,’he said.

Levin blasted Republicans for sitting back and doing nothing while Democrats use every weapon to destroy Trump and the GOP.

“However, Republicans are expected to accept all of this. All interference, scheming, plotting, etc., by the Democrats and the Biden regime. And even more. While the Democrats, including at DOJ, unleash every weapon they can conceive of against the GOP and Trump, there’s a full-fledged coverup taking place to protect Biden from indictment. The entire ruling class establishment, and the same FBI/DOJ exposed for political corruption by Durham, have been weaponized to protect Biden,” Levin said.

Levin said the DOJ is actively covering up Biden’s crimes.

“The Bidens stand accused of extortion, bribery, tax fraud, wire fraud, obstruction, money laundering, etc., by FBI whistle blowers, IRS whistle blowers, and memorialized material evidence in the Hunter laptop, texts, emails, SARs reports, shell corporations, etc. And Garland is refusing to appoint a special counsel outside the swamp to independently investigate Biden Inc. Moreover, Garland fears that given his own conduct, he and his DOJ senior staff could be implicated in obstruction and a coverup. And while the Democrats have made clear they will not accept a Trump victory Republicans are supposed to rollover and swallow whatever is shoved down their throats. It’s not going to work that way. They will not accept the outcome, either.”

Levin ended his rant by saying Biden and the Democrats are destroying this Republic.

“Biden and the Democrats are destroying our electoral system and this republic. They have the full support of a state media that who shares their ideology and very frequently employs their operatives. And Judge Cannon, and other judges in Washington, DC, have participated in this. They’ve let down the country. I don’t give a damn who appointed them. I care what they are or are not doing as sworn judges,” he said.

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