
POLL: Majority Say Biden DOJ is Making U.S. Look Like a Banana Republic by Indicting Trump | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance | 38

New polling from Rasmussen Reports indicates that a majority of Americans believe that Biden’s DOJ indictment of Trump makes the United States look like a banana republic.

This should come as no surprise, given that this has never happened in America before now.

The very idea that Biden could use the power and force of government against his main political challenger is surreal. It’s the type of thing that’s done by third world dictators.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Majority say Biden DOJ makes US look like a ‘banana republic’

Panama’s Gen. Manuel Antonio Noriega did it. Cuba’s Fidel Castro also did. Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega is still doing it. And now, President Joe Biden’s Justice Department has too.

So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that a majority of voters think that the indictment, arrest, and finger-printing of former President Donald Trump make America look like a banana republic.

While the nation debates the former president’s indictment for having classified documents in his home, the public is also aware of how a similar case has gone cold against his top opponent, Biden.

And that’s led to the “banana republic” charge, a reference to the practice of Central and South American dictators persecuting their opponents.

The question Rasmussen Reports teed up for likely voters was posed by Republican presidential candidate Vivek Ramaswamy, who tweeted: “This is an affront to every citizen: we cannot devolve into a banana republic where the party in power uses police force to arrest its political opponents. It’s hypocritical for the DOJ to selectively prosecute Trump but not Biden.”

In the survey, 58 percent of likely voters agreed with that.

Biden claimed he was going to try to unite all Americans.

What has he done to that end? He has done the exact opposite at every step.

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