
Guo Wengui’s Persecution by DOJ Inspires the GUO Act of 2023 | The Gateway Pundit | by Promoted Post | 90

(Note: This is a sponsored post from NewNoah. The opinions expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of Gateway Pundit)

by Kelly John Walker

The Government Unanimous Oversight Act of 2023

The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) and players within the District Court system have operated without accountability for too long. They have acted as rogue unregistered agents of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) with impunity.

Those days are coming to an end, as the honest members of American society and government are stepping forward to demand reform. But like a man drowning in a panic, these bad actors are dragging innocent people under with them in their panic to survive.

It is incumbent upon us all that we come to the aid of those now in the frenzied grip of maniacally corrupt officials, from the federal down to the local level.

Millions of people are waking up to the fact that prosecutorial misconduct is rampant, and the Judicial system is broken!

On June 7, New York Representative George Santos introduced “The GUO Act of 2023,” or the Government Unanimous Oversight Act of 2023. The act is a major step toward holding members of our justice system accountable for colluding with the CCP to undermine American Rule of Law.

At the center of this battle is a man whom the Eastern District of New York calls “CCP Victim-1,” Mr. Guo Wengui, aka Miles Guo. In breathtaking contradiction to this recognition of the CCP’s targeting of an asylum seeker, is the Southern District of New York’s (SDNY) unlawful incarceration of an innocent man without bail under the guise that he’s a “flight risk.” On June 6, a district judge extended Guo’s trial out to April 8 of 2024.

This would be bad enough if Mr. Guo were just an average Chinese citizen, but the fact is that he has information and documentation exposing the CCP’s infiltration of the DOJ. (Likely Guo’s Manhattan residence “mysteriously” caught fire and burned the day of his arrest while the FBI was occupying the building in an attempt to destroy the evidence.)

This is not a “China issue”; it’s ground zero in America’s fight to maintain our Republic. A number of corrupt DOJ players working on behalf of the CCP have already been identified and convicted. Consider just one prominent example of the corruption Guo and the Chinese Whistleblowers uncovered.

The United States ‘should be a haven from persecution, not what they’re trying to turn it into—a hunting ground for an authoritarian government. -Rep. Dan Newhouse

On November 30, 2018, former DOJ employee George Higginbotham pleaded guilty to one count of conspiracy to defraud U.S. banks as part of his plea agreement with federal prosecutors. In addition to admitting his role in the aforementioned 2017 influence campaign, Higginbotham also admitted to meeting Chinese Ambassador Cui Tiankai in 2017 inside the Chinese Embassy in Washington D.C, and traveling to China to meet with Sun Lijun, Vice Minister of Public Security of the PRC, to discuss Guo’s removal.

On October 20, 2020, Elliot Broidy former Finance Chairman of the RNC, pleaded guilty to acting as an unregistered foreign agent on behalf of the CCP in the same 2017 influence campaign. Broidy admitted to helping arrange meetings between high-level CCP and U.S. officials as well as traveling to China to meet with Sun in 2017.

The charges against Miles Guo are simply part of an organized campaign of political persecution brought against him by the CCP. -Rep. George Santos

While these two and others were arrested, they were merely pawns of the CCP in their “Fox Hunt” agenda to hunt down Chinese Dissidents.

A May 31 article by Frank Fang, Eva Fu and Joshua Philipp of The Epoch Times reported that Republicans are calling for action as China has turned the U.S. into a “hunting ground” for dissidents.

“This is another example of just how the CCP is doing all they can to undermine our sovereignty [and] silence all dissent, even in our country,” Representative Dan Newhouse (R-Wash) told EpochTV’s ‘Crossroads.’ ‘This is a foreign government that is committing crimes against those that it deems to be a threat, right here on American soil’…The United States ‘should be a haven from persecution, not what they’re trying to turn it into—a hunting ground for an authoritarian government.’”

In response to this crisis, New York Representative, George Santos introduced the GUO Act of 2023 on June 7, the day after Guo’s trial was delayed. Santos read the following statement into the record:

“In this case, the charges against Miles Guo are simply part of an organized campaign of political persecution brought against him by the CCP. As a matter of fact, in November of 2018, George Higginbotham, a senior official at the DOJ pleaded guilty to his active role in this illegal campaign. He admitted to accepting $41 Million from the CCP and meeting with the Vice Minister of Public Security of China to advance the removal of Guo from the United States.

“It is with great dismay but complete confidence that I say that the weaponization of the United States prosecutorial system is spinning further out of control, and it is time we take a stand. This is why I am unapologetically pushing back on the CCP and calling on the House Judiciary Committee, the DOJ, and the Select Subcommittee on Weaponization of the Federal Government to investigate the CCP infiltration on the U.S. government and do all they can to free Miles Guo.

“It shows when we have a national crime crisis falling by the wayside because politically motivated campaigns designed for nothing other than retribution on political agitators keep getting in the way of our leading law enforcement officials who refuse to prioritize the American people.

“With each passing year, it is becoming increasingly obvious that the CCP is accomplishing its goal of infiltrating the United States…all the while, perpetrators—the real threat to the American people—are let out on the streets and harmless political targets remain behind bars with justice denied. Mr. Speaker, I speak for every American when I say that we are done tucking our tails and being at the losing end of every tradeoff with the CCP.”

This bill would demand financial transparency and accountability for those working in our prosecutorial system, further ensuring that people like George Higginbotham will never again have the opportunity to betray America.

It’s time for America to clean house, and that begins by booting the CCP out of our judicial and prosecutorial system and taking down their U.S. co-conspirators with them!

Kelly John Walker is an American statesman, writer, branding professional, and entrepreneur. He is the founder of FreedomTalk, host of FreedomTalk TV, and a freelance writer.

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