
“You’re Out of Your Motherf**king Mind!”- Angry Airline Passengers Go Off on “Visibly Intoxicated” Woman Who Delayed Flight After Bullying Staff and Passengers (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger

Credit: New York Post

Flying is becoming an increasingly unpleasant event thanks in large part to unruly and selfish passengers. And other travelers are getting sick of it.

The New York Post reported today that a drunk woman caused a flight delay because she refused leave the plane after engaging in disorderly conduct.

According to the Post, the incident occurred prior to takeoff last Friday. The plane was to depart from an airport in California to Las Vegas.

Another passenger named Amanda Grasham explained to Newflare that the woman was “visibly intoxicated” and was “acting aggressively to staff” prior to being asked to get off the plane.

In the video footage, the drunken female can be seen yelling at the other passengers.

Y’all can’t even tell me what I did!

It doesn’t matter because I’m not going! (right in another passenger’s face)

I’m gonna miss my flight for what?


After her verbal bullying, the disruptive passenger appeared surprised others were quite peeved at her childish actions.

Who did I offend?” she asked.

“Everyone!” one rightfully disgruntled passenger yelled back.

Others immediately echoed the angry passengers dismay.

“You should be ashamed of yourself!” another traveller screamed.

The deranged woman remained defiant and refused to leave the airline despite multiple furious pleas.

One man responded by getting up out of his seat to scream “you’re out your motherf**king mind!” almost in the disruptive woman’s face.

Another angrily warned her to “sit down or you’ll get locked up.”

Graham said the disruptive female was finally escorted off the plane but did not go without a fight.

She didn’t go quietly though. She had to be physically removed by three members of the airport police.

It is unknown at this point whether the passenger will be facing criminal charges.

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