
California Governor Gavin Newsom Has Disgusting Response to Target Boycott | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance

Some conservatives are boycotting the retail chain Target, over the company’s promotion of LGBT and even Satanic themed merchandise.

People on the right are tired of giving their business to companies that go out of their way to show that they have nothing but hostility for average, right-leaning Americans.

California Governor Gavin Newsom, who is as leftist as they come, had a disgusting reaction to this, suggesting that the American people who are just reacting to this move by Target are the aggressors.

RedState reports:

Now the Left Is Attacking Target Too: Here Comes Gavin Newsom With a Shameful Hot Take

Some of the Target stores have now reportedly removed some of the LGBTQ merchandise and/or moved it to the back of the store, although they haven’t identified what items were removed. While the store is blaming “threats,” it’s likely more in response to the economic backlash from some calling for a boycott against the company because of items directed toward children.

Now, prepare for the boycott coming from the left, as California Gov. Gavin Newsom (otherwise known as “He Who Wants to Be President” if Joe Biden steps aside) attacked Target for removing the products.

See Newsom’s tweet below:

The full text of the tweet is:

CEO of Target Brian Cornell selling out the LGBTQ+ community to extremists is a real profile in courage.

This isn’t just a couple stores in the South. There is a systematic attack on the gay community happening across the country.

Wake up America.

This doesn’t stop here. You’re black? You’re Asian? You’re Jewish? You’re a woman?

You’re next.

The left sure loves Nazi comparisons. People are sick of it.

Target is going to learn the lesson Bud Light is learning now.

People are tired of having woke propaganda forced on them.

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