
Printer Error Turns Every Registered Voter In Nassau County, New York Democrat | The Gateway Pundit | by Anthony Scott

A printer error in Nassau County, New York turned every registered voter in the county Democrat.

The printer reportedly botched over 976,000 voter registration cards and labeled every voter in the county Democrat.

Republicans make up over 60% of registered voters in Nassau County which left many Conservatives in the county feeling absolutely blindsided by the error.

Nassau County Executive Bruce Blakeman told NBC 4 News “We’re already starting to get phone calls from people, saying ‘I’m a registered Republican, I’m a registered Conservative – how come I’m being identified as a Democrat? Who changed my registration?’ And they’re quite upset about it.”

Blakeman stated the printing company Phoenix Graphics is to blame for the error.

Phoenix Graphics in a comment said it was a human error that caused the printer to print out botched registration cards and said new registration cards will be mailed out soon.

Per The New York Post:

An upstate printer has once again screwed up downstate election materials, this time by mailing registration cards to Nassau County’s nearly 1 million voters — identifying them all as Democrats.

Democrats make up about 40 percent of the county’s 972,000 voters, according to state Board of Election records from February.

Blakeman ruled out partisanship as a likely cause of the mistake but said the county is investigating what did happen.

Watch what local residents have to say:

This isn’t the first time Phoenix Graphics has had an error regarding botched election materials.

The Gateway Pundit reported in 2020, Phoenix Graphics mislabeled “official absentee ballot envelope” to Queens and Brooklynn residents.


Vote By Mail Chaos: New York City Sends Wrong Name Absentee Return Envelopes to Voters Across Brooklyn-Mistake Could Void Thousands of Votes

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