Secretive Bilderberg Group to meet this weekend to discuss Ukraine, U.S. Leadership, China-Russia, changes to banking system and artificial intelligence | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft
Guest post by Leo Hohmann
The Bilderberg Group, which brings a handful of the world’s power elites together annually in secret meetings to strategize about geopolitics, technology, war and peace, is preparing to meet this weekend, May 18-21, in Lisbon, Portugal.
The Group was co-founded in 1954 by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands and a few other globalists affiliated with the Anglo-American European cabal that seeks to create a one-world system under Western control. The Bilderbergs operate under the Chatham House Rule, meaning participants are “free to use the information received but neither the identity nor the affiliation of the speakers or participants can be revealed,” according to the Bilderberg website. “There is no detailed agenda, no resolutions are proposed, no votes are taken and no policy statements are issued.”
Chatham House is the London base for the Royal Institute of International Affairs, an elitist, globalist, war-mongering organization whose sister organization is the Council on Foreign Relations in the U.S. These two organizations together serve as the nerve center of the neoconservative globalist warmongering foreign policies that have come out of the United States and U.K. since the end of World War I.
All of these elitist organizations, the Bilderbergs, the RIIA and CFR, the World Economic Forum and the Trilateral Commission, are loosely tied together with overlapping participants.
For example, Technocracy.News Editor Patrick Wood points out that “no less than four U.S. attendees (at Bilderberg 2023) are members of the Trilateral Commission. Nonagenarian Henry Kissinger appears to be passing his globalistic baton to (former Google CEO) Eric Schmidt. Non-US attendees also included members of the Trilateral Commission.”
Peter Thiel, president of Thiel Capital LLC and founder of the secretive data giant, Palantir, is attending Bilderberg alongside the CEO of Palandir, Alex Karp.
“Thiel is a hardened Transhumanist as well as a Technocrat, even though he describes himself as a libertarian conservative. Notably, Thiel co-founded PayPal with Elon Musk,” Wood adds.
Norway’s Børge Brende, who is president of the World Economic Forum, will also be attending this year’s Bilderberg meetings.
The one common denominator of all these groups, whether Bilderberg, WEF, Trilaterals or CFR, is this: A passion for globalism, depopulation and a strengthening of the elites’ already oppressive choke hold over the levers of power in governments, religion, NGOs, business and financial institutions.
In March 10, 2001 article in The Guardian, Denis Healey, a co-founder of the Bilderberg group and a steering committee member for 30 years, said: “To say we were striving for a one-world government is exaggerated, but not wholly unfair. Those of us in Bilderberg felt we couldn’t go on forever fighting one another for nothing and killing people and rendering millions homeless.”
The Bilderbergs typically issue a carefully crafted press release with vague references to what was discussed, but no specifics.
According to last year’s press release, some of the topics included geopolitical realignments, NATO challenges, China, Russia, continuity of government and the economy, disruption of the global financial system, disinformation, and post-pandemic health, according to the National Pulse.
According to the Bilderberg website, the key topics for discussion this year are:
- AI
- Banking System
- China
- Energy Transition
- Europe
- Fiscal Challenges
- India
- Industrial Policy and Trade
- Russia
- Transnational Threats
- Ukraine
- US Leadership