
Never Forget the Misinformation and Collusion by the Mockingbird Media Regarding “Russia, Russia, Russia” – And Remember Who Had it Right from the Beginning | The Gateway Pundit | by Brian Lupo

NY Times and WaPo reporters won Pulitzer for the Big Lie of the century.

With the much anticipated release of the Durham report yesterday completely exonerating President Trump of any collusion in the “Russia, Russia, Russia” hoax promulgated by the Hillary Clinton campaign and in conjunction with a slew of shady “intelligence” agents and their respective agencies, one thing is perfectly clear:  they were all willfully wrong.  In fact, in the words of Rumble podcast host Dan Bongino:  “It was a coup.”

While Durham did not ultimately recommend charges to be filed, there is evidence and suggestions in the report to campaign finance violations with the FBI and Clinton campaign, as well as briefings at the highest levels of the executive branch to justify continued spying on a private citizen and political opponent, among other claims.

And all of this seems to have been in conjunction with a complicit media that asserted speculation as fact.  Below is an excellent “montage” of many of the elaborate and unfounded claims made by the Mockingbird Media, including some bold assertions made to resistance pertaining to the story’s credibility from lawmakers and Donald Trump himself.

For example, Rachel Maddow stated “…in reality, A) a lot of the dossier has proven to be true” and MSNBC’s Chris Hayes stated, “The President was compromised by a hostile foreign government.  Full stop.”

From KanekoaTheGreat:

In addition to the talking heads in the clip above, the Washington Post and New York Times both received Pulitzer paperweights for their spreading of misinformation in 2018 sourced from “intelligence agencies” regarding the Russia Hoax.

From TownHall:

Let’s not forget that The Washington Post and The New York Times won the 2018 Pultizer Prize for their national reporting of President Donald Trump’s alleged collusion with Russia. They were awarded $15,000 in a joint prize.

The “award winning” journalists include Maggie Haberman, Jo Becker, Matt Apuzzo and Mark Mazetti from The Times and Rosalind Helderman, Tom Hamburger, Ellen Nakashima, Adam Entous and Greg Miller from WaPo.

They received the award “For deeply sourced, relentlessly reported coverage in the public interest that dramatically furthered the nation’s understanding of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election and its connections to the Trump campaign, the President-elect’s transition team and his eventual administration. (The New York Times entry, submitted in this category, was moved into contention by the Board and then jointly awarded the Prize.)”

Meanwhile, news outlets such as The Gateway Pundit, Just The News, TownHall, Brietbart and many others that are often deemed “conspiracy sites” nailed the reporting from the very beginning.  MediaBiasFactCheck labels Gateway Pundit as “Extreme Right” and “Low Credibility.”  However, our history of reporting on “Russia, Russia, Russia” was far more accurate than most of the “credible” news sites they refer readers to.

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