
Robert Kennedy Schools Sean Hannity on US Interference in Ukrainian and the War with Russia – FOX Audience Agrees (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

On Tuesday night Democrat presidential candidate joined Sean Hannity on FOX News for a town hall event.

During the hour-long show, Kennedy continued to gain the approval of the FOX News audience that repeatedly broke out in applause to his positions and ideas for America’s future.

At one point Sean Hannity began grilling Robert Kennedy on the US support for the War in Ukraine. And, once again, the crowd was on his side.

Kennedy pointed out that it was the US and Biden administration that thwarted several attempts for a a peace agreement with Russia. Hannity disagreed. But it was Kennedy who won this debate with the audience.

Sean Hannity: One area I don’t like the fact that America is bearing the brunt and the burden of financing most of the war against Putin and Ukraine. I think we agree on that part. Why isn’t Europe, why don’t they ever step up and defend their own continent before they ask for U.S. involvement? And why would Joe Biden veto Poland, giving Zelensky fighter jets, to actually fight to win the war after they were invaded?

Robert Kennedy Jr.: Well, the more disturbing thing is that on two occasions, the Russians tried to sign a peace agreement with Zelensky.

Hannity fired back: Do you trust Putin?

RFK Jr.: Do I trust Putin? No. But that’s not listen, I’ve litigated over 500 lawsuits. All of them end up with or, many of them end up with settlements or one kind of the other, and he never trusts the guy on the other side. You use language, art, you use the design of agreements.

Hannity interrupting: So Ukraine, to appease Putin, rather, who I think who is evil. They’ve already given up Crimea. It was annexed. Now they have to give up the Donbas area.

RFK Jr.: Ukraine, because of our pushing the Ukraine into the war on two occasions. Let me answer your question. In 2019, France, Germany and Russia all agreed to the Minsk Accords. That year, Zelensky ran for president. He was a comedian. He had no political experience. Why did he win? Because he ran on one issue, signing the Minsk Accords. As soon as he got in there, Victoria Newland and the White House told him he couldn’t do it. Then Putin sends 40,000 troops in. That’s not enough to conquer the country. Clearly, he wanted us to come to a negotiation. He wanted somebody to come to a negotiating table. Zelensky came to the negotiating table, signed a new agreement that was the Minsk Accords II in 2022, and that would have allowed Donbas to stay and Luhansk to stay, to remain as part of Ukraine. We said Putin signed it, Zelensky initialed it, and Putin, in good faith, began withdrawing troops from the Ukraine. What happened? We sent Boris Johnson over there to torpedo it because we don’t want peace with we want war with Russia.

Robert Kennedy Jr. then delivered a history lesson on Ukraine, Europe and Russia. He clearly understands the issue.

It is amazing how much support the conservative crowd gave Bobby Kennedy Jr. during his Hannity town hall.

He clearly has the ear of the American people.

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