
SHOCKER: John Kerry Returns From Climate Change Talks in China With NOTHING | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance | 38

John Kerry is some sort of special climate change envoy for the Biden administration. He just traveled to China for talks on the subject and came back empty handed. Is anyone surprised?

Along with India, China is one of the worst countries in the world for contributing to pollution, but they don’t seem to care. They’re more concerned with keeping the lights on.

Kerry hilariously claims that they had some productive talks but achieved nothing on this trip. His trip there and back created more carbon output than the point of the trip.

FOX News reports:

John Kerry comes up empty in China climate talks

Special Presidential Envoy for Climate (SPEC) John Kerry announced during a press conference in China on Wednesday that his visit to the nation failed to yield any significant climate agreement.

Kerry told reporters that, while he and his Chinese counterparts engaged in “frank” discussions about fighting global warming, they couldn’t solidify any formal agreement. He added that the U.S. and China — the world’s two largest polluters — will need additional time to hash out a climate deal between the nations.

“We came to Beijing in order to unstick what has been stuck for almost a year, and that’s the in-person dialogue between the United States and China,” Kerry said, E&E News reported.

“We had very frank conversations, but we came here to break new ground, which we think is important at this stage, and it is clear that we are going to need a little more work to be able to complete that task, which we still believe, both of us, is doable,” he continued.

Kerry should have retired long ago.

Doesn’t Kerry have a yacht to relax on somewhere?

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