
Kamala Harris Tells Word Salad About Having a ‘Jesse Jackson For President’ Bumper Sticker on Her Car (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila | 42

Kamala Harris on Sunday delivered remarks at Jesse Jackson’s retirement party in Chicago, Illinois.

Jesse Jackson retired from his post as head of the Rainbow PUSH Coalition, a civil rights group he founded in the 1970s.

Harris’s fake accent was off the charts.

It might be worse than Hillary Clinton’s fake accent.


Kamala Harris delivered a word salad about having a ‘Jesse Jackson for President’ bumper sticker on her car.

“So, when I was in law school, I was back in California after I left Howard, and I drove a Toyota Corolla. It was a fancy car for me! And I had a bumper sticker in the back window: ‘Jesse Jackson for President,’” Harris said cackling.

Jesse Jackson was not amused.


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