
“Stay in the Kitchen and Make Sandwiches” – Conservatives Roast Gun-Grabbing Brat David Hogg After He Taunts Pro-Gun Activists and Brags About His Marksmanship Skills | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger | 165

Arguably the most annoying gun-grabbing liberal in America got set on fire this week after taunting gun rights activists and bragging about his marksmanship skills

David Hogg on Thursday posted a tweet mocking pro-gun individuals for opposing limiting bullets in gun magazines. According to Hogg, nobody needs a magazine that holds more than ten rounds.

If you need more than 10 rounds to hit something you need more range time or you need glasses, not a larger magazine. Hell, if you’re that bad of a shot you’re safer with a baseball bat because a gun will probably be turned on you.

Especially if you are shooting a rifle and you can’t hit what you are aiming for in 10 rounds you need to check your sights, check your eye dominance, and/or improve trigger pull. 30 round mags are for two two things, war and people who don’t know how to shoot.

Hogg then goes to present himself as a marksman. He claimed that accurately firing a rifle within 20 yards came easy for him and again argued for setting magazine limits.

I know many who follow me haven’t shot guns or semi automatic rifles before. Even with zero training I could shoot a pretty tight grouping at 20 yards. Just look. You don’t need 30 round mags. If you can’t stop whatever you need to with 10 7.62 rounds. You got bigger problems.

Conservatives roasted Hogg for using his shooting range “experience” to push for gun control. They gave him a brutal reality check on his aim, or lack thereof.

This is not the first time Hogg has been mocked for shooting guns while pushing firearm restrictions. Back in April, Jim Hoft reported Hogg spent a weekend shooting at a gun range while bragging about his efforts to take away your right to own firearms.

As Hoft notes, Hogg is completely unstable. No one should go near him if he is armed.

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