
Federal Prosecutors: Jan 6 Defendant Went to Obama’s Neighborhood After Trump Posted Address to Truth Social | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila | 42

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It’s always Trump’s fault.

Federal prosecutors said a January 6 defendant recently went to Obama’s DC neighborhood after Trump posted the former president’s alleged address to Truth Social.

Last week DC Law enforcement arrested James Taranto in Washington DC several blocks from Barack Obama’s home. CBS says he had “materials to make explosives” akin to a Molotov cocktail in his vehicle.

Taylor Taranto

Taranto allegedly had a January 6-related warrant out for his arrest.

CBS previously said Taranto was in Washington DC and attended the nightly vigils for the January 6 political prisoners outside of the DC Gulag.

The FBI was reportedly monitoring Taranto for more than two years but they decided to arrest him after he made it to Obama’s DC neighborhood.

The feds named Trump in their latest court filings in this case.

“On June 29, 2023, Former President Donald Trump posted what he claimed was the address of Former President Barack Obama on the social media platform Truth Social. Taranto used his own Truth Social account to re-post the address. On Telegram, Taranto then stated, “We got these losers surrounded! See you in hell, Podesta’s and Obama’s.”” federal prosecutors said.

“Shortly thereafter, Taranto again began livestreaming from his van on his YouTube channel. This time, Taranto was driving through the Kalorama neighborhood of Washington D.C.” the prosecutors alleged.

“The neighborhood contains restricted areas which are protected heavily by the United States Secret Service. Taranto parked his van on the street and began walking around the neighborhood, continuing to film. Taranto made several references to “the Podestas” and stated several times that he is trying to get an interview. Taranto’s continued narration made it clear that he intended to access or enter the private residences of his subjects. For example, Taranto panned the camera to show several sewer grates on the street – calling them “entrance points,” and stating that the grates were an “entrance” to reach “them.”” the federal prosecutors wrote.

According to the court filing, Taranto had 20 guns registered in his name.

“On June 30, 2023, agents executed a search warrant for Taranto’s vehicle and devices and seized two cellular phones pursuant to a warrant. Inside the van, law enforcement found numerous items including the firearms mentioned above, hundreds of rounds of nine-millimeter ammunition, a steering wheel lock, and a machete. They also located indicia that Taranto was living in the van, including a mattress, clothing, and personal items,” prosecutors said.

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