
Jen Psaki Tries to Scare Muslim Parents Who Oppose Transgender Ideology (Video) | The Gateway Pundit | by Margaret Flavin | 168

MSNBC Host Jen Psaki

MSNBC host Jen Psaki took to her Sunday show, “Inside with Jen Psaki,” to try to scare Muslims by claiming Republicans are  “trying to recruit” Muslims into being anti-transgender.

“So,  lately, I have been noticing the reemergence of a very old GOP playbook that harkens back to President Richard Nixon’s infamous ‘Southern strategy.’  During his campaign for President in 1968, the Republican Party made a concerted effort to reach white Southerners who used to vote for Democrats by playing to their fears of African Americans and the Civil Rights Movement. And it worked. By pitting one group of Americans against another, the GOP successfully managed to split off Southern Whites from the Democratic Party. Now, decades later, the right wing is reviving that same playbook, this time with Muslim Americans and trans people. Hear me out here. The GOP is trying to recruit Muslim Americans, a community that makes up less than 2% of the U.S. population, against another tiny marginalized group of Americans, transgender people.”

“It’s important to remember that back in 2011, during the Republican primary, the right wing had designated Muslim Americans as public enemy number one. No surprise, given that conspiracy theorists – remember the birthers? I do – have been trying for years to portray President Obama as a Trojan horse for Sharia law. Republican after Republican candidate ginned up fear about the fabricated threat posed by an Islamic legal doctrine debated by scholars for centuries. To them, the imaginary prospect of Sharia law in this country was scarier than gun violence, climate change, and more important to discuss than, say, millions of people who didn’t have health care.”


Fox News spoke with the director of the Islam and Religious Freedom Action Team for the Religious Freedom Institute, Ismail Royer who characterized the remarks insulting to Muslims.

“The left wants to scare Muslims into accepting its indoctrination of our children in exchange for a smile and pat on the head,” Royer told Fox News Digital. “They insult Muslims by portraying us as having no agency or intelligence but can’t imagine that we’ve weighed the bargain they offer us and rejected it.”

“We live in a pluralistic society… And Muslims who are watching need to know that these same forces who are using us against LGBTQ have turned on us and will turn on other people of color and immigrants,” said Ali.

Twitter was quick to call Psaki out on her ridiculous fear mongering.

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