
Orphaned and Trafficked J6 Defendant Faces Pretrial Imprisonment while America Prepares for Independence Day Celebration | The Gateway Pundit | by Shawn Bradley Witzemann | 181

Isaac Thomas was a voice for the voiceless on January 6, 2021

Isaac Thomas was just 18 years old when he attended his first political rally on January 6, 2021. 

Orphaned at the age of 6, Thomas endured years of abuse and neglect — trafficked through various placements while in the custody of the Department of Health and Human Services. 

Thomas emancipated himself at 16 and immediately engaged in political activism. Inspired to speak out for other victims of the failed foster care system from which he’d gained independence, he went to the United States Capitol to make their muffled voices heard.

Three years later, his medical privacy rights are under attack.

An in-person hearing in DC on Monday will determine whether Thomas is to await trial behind bars.

Department of Justice prosecuting attorneys now demand District Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly revoke Thomas’ pretrial release due to what they say is an “escalation of misbehavior and of a more troublesome nature.”

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The United States Attorney’s Office must have been watching Reefer Madness while constructing their latest argument.
Reefer Madness
‘Reefer Madness” movie poster from 1936

The government says Thomas endangers “the safety of the community,” alleging he “has not provided documentation confirming he was prescribed marijuana by a licensed medical practitioner.”

Additionally, prosecutors argue Thomas “reportedly completed an assessment with Insight Behavioral Health in Flint, Michigan on 6/09/2023. However, this has not been verified as he has refused to sign a release of information for PSA.” 

Isaac is now forced to drive to DC even though his car was recently totaled.

Legal Advocate Treniss Evans is disgusted: 

“While the rest of the country gets ready for burgers and beer on Independence Day, Isaac Thomas, an orphan with no family who already suffered years of abuse in the Michigan foster care system, is headed to DC on a Greyhound Bus — likely to be placed in the gulag.” 
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Defense counsel says a government without principle is attacking the State of Michigan’s decision to give him a medical marijuana card. 

Constitutionally, the federal government can’t second guess a State. Furthermore, a federal court may not review, in an appellate manner, a decision already made by a State. 

“The only reason for inquiry is to use it as a dishonest excuse to rummage through private affairs OR to argue that Michigan got it wrong — that they shouldn’t have issued the card,” explains Attorney Jonathon Moseley, “Normally, there’s no general reason for the federal government to root around through someone’s medical records during pretrial.” 

“The theory is that marijuana makes people a threat to society.”

Indeed, anyone familiar with marijuana would argue it’s more likely to leave the user docile — content to eat a few bags of Doritos while watching cartoons and playing video games. 

The government’s argument would be hilarious if it weren’t so damned deadly serious. 

While public interest in the many trials of January 6th continues to fade, the Department of Justice presses forward with its malicious agenda of diminishing constitutional freedom — leaving J6 defendants like Isaac Thomas penniless in the process. 

“I don’t know what’s worse,” questions Treniss Evans while leaving for work at his day job on Friday morning, “A Judge who’s attempting for no reason to dig into health records and undermine the sanity of a J6 defendant or a DOJ that’s incapable of differentiating between two completely different individuals before slapping a bunch of BS into the charging documents.”

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The insanity displayed in the District of Columbia leaves Treniss Evans scratching his head. 

“A mental health evaluation needs to be done on these judges for not grasping facts that have been put forth,” Evans explains, “They’re all too giddy to endorse the crap from the J6 Select Committee, but when new evidence comes forward through defense filings, they can’t be bothered to look.”

“They’re out to extract more flesh —not even happy with just one pound,” Evans continues, “This District suffers from Trump Derangement Syndrome, yet they feel qualified to question the mental health of those who believe in the constitution.” 

“The inmates are running the asylum of DC,” Evans says, “The beatings will continue until morale improves.”

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Isaac Thomas

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