
Moscow lifts security measures after Wagner mutiny

All the restrictions implemented in Moscow over the weekend as mercenary Wagner Group troops marched on the city have been lifted, the Russian capital’s Mayor Sergei Sobyanin said Monday.

“All restrictions related to the introduction of the anti-terrorist operation regime are being lifted,” Sobyanin said in a statement, in which he thanked Moscovites for “their calmness and understanding.”

Moscow residents were advised to stay home Saturday, as troops with the Wagner paramilitary group closed in on the Russian capital during an armed mutiny.

The aborted insurrection eventually ended Saturday evening, after a deal was reached between the Kremlin, Minsk and renegade Wagner chief Yevgeny Prigozhin, under which the rebellious warlord would leave for Belarus.

By that point, Prigozhin’s troops had made it to the Moscow region, about 200 kilometers from the capital, where several public venues had been evacuated.

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