
BEYOND PARODY: Harvard Expert on Dishonesty Accused of Academic Dishonesty | The Gateway Pundit | by Mike LaChance | 38

A scholar at Harvard who specializes in dishonesty has been accused of making up the findings in one of her major studies on the subject.

You couldn’t make this up.

Academia already has a major problem being perceieved as overwhelmingly leftist, now this.

FOX News reports:

‘Leading scholar’ at Harvard accused of fabricating findings in famous study on honesty: report

According to a report from the New York Times, “reverberations” are going through the academic community as one of the leading scholars in behavioral psychology has been accused of fabricating findings in a major study on honesty.

The report claimed that the field of behavioral science, an area of research often seen with much “skepticism” from other scientists, “may have sustained its most serious blow yet” thanks to evidence showing that Francesca Gino of Harvard Business School may have fabricated results in “multiple studies.”

One of these was a study on honesty done in 2012, the results of which have “been cited hundreds of times by other scholars” since.

Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania behavioral scientist Maurice Schweitzer claimed that the accusations have sent “reverberations in the academic community” as Dr. Gino has “so many collaborators, so many articles,” and “is really a leading scholar in the field.”

The Times provided background on the prominent researcher, reporting, “The scholar, Francesca Gino of Harvard Business School, has been a co-author of dozens of papers in peer-reviewed journals on such topics as how rituals like silently counting to 10 before deciding what to eat can increase the likelihood of choosing healthier food, and how networking can make professionals feel dirty. “

How awkward for Harvard.

The Ivy League just isn’t what it used to be.

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