
Huge Explosion Rocks Central Paris, Injuring Almost 30 People (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft | 120

A catastrophic explosion occurred in the heart of Paris, causing numerous injuries and extensive property damage. The incident has left the city reeling, and immediate investigations into the cause.

The incident took place in the city’s historic fifth arrondissement, near the Rue Saint Jacques. This area, referred to as the Latin Quarter, is a popular tourist destination and home to several prominent institutions, including the Paris American Academy.

Around 5 PM local time, a violent explosion resounded through the city streets. The blast’s force was so considerable that residents compared it to an earthquake.

“It felt like an earthquake, the windows banged against each other,” a local resident told CNN.

Another woman who lives on a nearby avenue heard her doors slam shut during the explosion.

The local deputy mayor Édouard Civel later tweeted that a gas explosion had caused the impact.

According to witnesses, there was a strong smell of gas before the explosion.

The explosion resulted in a significant fire that quickly engulfed multiple buildings. The fire department responded promptly, with 270 firefighters deployed to combat the blaze.

A total of 29 people suffered injuries due to the explosion, with four in critical condition. Many were struck by debris or blown off their feet by the blast’s force.


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