
Fake News MSNBC: Joe Biden Isn’t Campaigning Because he “Doesn’t Have a Serious Challenger” (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila | 42

Fake News MSNBC on Monday said Joe Biden isn’t campaigning because he “doesn’t have a serious challenger.”

Joe Biden is old and feeble.

He keeps falling down all over the place.

80-year-old Joe Biden simply cannot keep up with a grueling campaign schedule.

The fake news pundits also completely dismissed Robert Kennedy Jr.’s popularity.

Even the New York Times admitted RFK Jr. is a headache for Joe Biden.

According to a recent CNN poll showed RFK Jr. with 20% support against Dementia Joe.

The majority of Democrat voters think Joe Biden is too old and feeble to serve another term in the White House.

The likely voters polled said they trust the Kennedy name.

Despite RFK Jr. being a potential problem for Joe Biden in the primaries, MSNBC brushed him off and said Biden doesn’t have a serious challenger.

“Joe Biden has the great luxury of not having a credible primary opponent,” USA Today’s Susan Page said during an appearance on MSNBC.


If Joe Biden somehow survives through the primaries next year, he will likely face Trump.

Biden knows he can’t beat President Trump in 2024 so he weaponized his Justice Department and had his political opponent arrested.

Rush Limbaugh was right when he said the Democrats are through with elections.

Conservative radio legend Rush Limbaugh is pictured from a show Jan. 8, 2021.

In October of 2020, days before the 2020 election and the most controversial election in US history, the now-late and great Rush Limbaugh shared one of his most prophetic observations.

Rush shared this with his audience, “They [the Democrats] resent the whole premise behind elections. They don’t believe they should have to persuade anybody to agree with them.”

Rush knew Democrats were eliminating free and fair elections. There simply was no broad public support behind Democrat ideas. And there still isn’t.

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