
MUST-SEE VIDEO: Brian Kennedy Breaks Down the Post-Constitutional Crisis Facing America Today as the American Left Continues their Assault on Our Freedoms | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft | 2

Brian Kennedy, the Chairman of the Committee on the Present Danger China, joined Steve Bannon on Saturday’s show to discuss the the rise of the post-constitutional America.

This was an amazing discussion that described exactly the communist-totalitarian assault we are facing today as a nation.

Brian Kennedy described the current situation clearly.

Brian Kennedy: I think it’s worth saying that the country has gone from a republic to something for at least the last hundred years of a progressive administrative state. And that administrative state has become very large, very intrusive, very ineffective. But somewhere between when you said dismantle the administrative state and today, I think we’ve crossed over into something more like a totalitarian democracy, which is a regime that has aspects of totalitarianism, but with many of the forms of democracy.

And the worst part about all of that is anybody who says anything about that, who criticizes that, who would suggest that we’re losing our freedom, who doesn’t follow the regime narrative, as it were, if you do that, you’re going to get arrested. So Trump disagrees with that, and so he gets arrested. And I know you’re going to have John Eastman coming up soon. So John tries to defend the President, and he’s going to get disbarred or they’re going to try to disbar him, because the whole idea of totalitarian democracy and the administrative state where we are today is that you have to lie and deceive…

… And then we’re going to lie about you. We’re going to arrest you in the case of Trump, and we’re going to intimidate you and cause you not to be able to make a living. And so we’re going to look up all the facts about you. Senator Hawley talking to the Deputy Director of the FBI. There’s something very evil and deceptive here that those conservatives who believe in freedom need to understand- They think this is about tweaking things here and there and everything’s going to get back to normal. It’s not. That republic, that’s been dismantled.

Steve Bannon: Yes, this is what when Tom Massie came out, Thomas Massie came out and said, “Oh, constitutionally, I don’t think there should be a fine,” and all this kind of what I call effete intellectualism. The Constitution has been shredded. Mark Levin and Cruz say it much better than I. We’re in a post constitutional America, sir.

Brian Kennedy: Absolutely. The political scientist John Marini from Claremont, he described this 30 years ago, literally 30 years ago, that we’re living in a post constitutional age. We have the forms of a Constitution, but it doesn’t have real meaning in the lives of everyday Americans. That the government that is meant to follow, to be restrained by the Constitution, it doesn’t seem to restrain them, does it? And so it’s not even like big government run amok, as if it’s just a bunch of bureaucrats spending too much money. This is, as I say, a kind of totalitarianism. And you got to be careful how you talk when I say those kind of things. We have to be careful not to seem extremist here, but totalitarian in that it tries to control the totality of our existence. And so that’s from speech to the way we live our lives, to the way we raise our children. And so this is something we really have to wrap our minds around…

Steve Bannon: Remember, this show – We’re banned on Twitter. We’re banned on Facebook. We’re banned on YouTube. Banned. Why? Because of talking about the vax. Because talking about the election being stolen, talking about Fauci… You think we’re not going to talk about that? Am I just going to shut up and not do that? Because these platforms, these tech oligarchs not in one zillion years. Not in one zillion… Is there any doubt in your mind if Donald Trump – Donald Trump just walked in front of the cameras this morning after he played his morning golf round and said, upon further review, I’m dropping out of the presidential race and the Trump movement. I really appreciate you, folks. It’s been great, but I’m going to go work on my real estate business.

Brian Kennedy: Sir, I don’t believe so at all. I believe they would up their game even more, because that’s the whole idea, the kind of ritual humiliation that would be involved with putting him in jail. That’s what they want, because they want to intimidate everybody who disagrees with them. And so putting him in jail so on…

…And Donald Trump knows that. He understands there’s something going on here. When he says we’ve gone from just being woke to actually communist, he’s onto something. He understands who these people are. He dealt with them for four years in his administration. He sees the look on their face now. These aren’t people following the Constitution. These are not people following the rule of law. There is something else about them. They want to destroy MAGA and the belief that human beings in the United States can govern themselves in a free society. That’s what they’re really after. Trump understands that. That’s why he’s running for office. And that’s why he’s not going to back down.

This was an exceptional segment to understand what is really going on in America today.

And Brian and Steve Bannon also agreed that we are facing a battle of good versus evil.

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