
NYC Mayor Racist Tirade Against Project Veritas Reporter: “Where did your ancestors come from?” | The Gateway Pundit | by Ben Wetmore | 113

Yesterday Project Veritas released videos documenting that far-left NYC Mayor Eric Adams spent $6 million to send illegal immigrants to just one hotel outside the city.

This is part of leftist Adams’ ‘decompression’ strategy to export the migrant crisis into the suburbs and rural areas away from New York City. This pattern has NYC taxpayers foot the bill to buy out entire hotels to house, feed, and treat migrants, even though tens of thousands of citizens remain homeless and tax rates are some of the highest in the country.

Left-wing lunatic Adams today admitted that his offer to house illegals at the Mayor’s residence was just “symbolic.” Adams previously said he might have to put illegals in people’s private residences as a fearmongering scare tactic. He also said NYC was at the breaking point after taking in nearly 1,000 illegals per day.

Now when confronted by Project Veritas reporters, Adams ‘hushed’ the reporters and angrily asked the reporter in a racist tirade where their ancestors came from.

pictured: Left-wing politicians when asked serious questions

NYC Mayor Eric Adams: “…are you an American Indian?”

NYC Mayor Eric Adams: “…you came from where?”

NYC Mayor Eric Adams: “…you came from America? that’s where your ancestors came from?”

NYC Mayor Eric Adams: “If you’re saying no one should come here, then your ancestors shouldn’t be here.”

NYC Mayor Eric Adams: “The same way your ancestors came here, is the way others are coming here.”

In addition to not knowing the difference between legal and illegal immigration, as well as a complete misunderstanding of American history, NYC Mayor Eric Adams confronted this journalist by first having his aide try and push the reporter out of the way.

This is similar to how left-wing activists and reporters often try to stage-play faked violence to make it seem as though they are the victims to silence their political opponents.

The Adams staffer who attempted this cowardly fake violence maneuver is pictured here:

Adams’ flak catcher staffer, pictured in the center.


Project Veritas also found and confronted the owner of the firm that was set to receive millions in taxpayer money to help export the migrant crisis out of Eric Adams’ city.

Refusing to answer any questions, the owner of the company set to make millions off of the corrupt governmental deal deferred all questions to the City of New York and Mayor Adams.

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