
House Conservatives Launch “Extraordinary Rebellion” Against Kevin McCarthy on House Floor Over Debt Deal Anger and Derail Key Leadership Priority – Leadership Threatened to Sink GOP Debt Ceiling Opponent’s Bill to Stop Biden Gun Ban | The Gateway Pundit | by Cullen Linebarger

Is this the beginning of the conservative revolt over Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s leadership?

Politico reported that House conservatives livid over McCarthy’s handling of the debt ceiling bill launched an “extraordinary rebellion” on the House floor Tuesday. House Republican leadership was caught completely off-guard.

In the process, the rebels ended up derailing a key leadership priority: the House was set to vote on legislation barring the Biden regime from unleashing its scheme to ban gas stoves.

The Congressional Research Center revealed the last time the House defeated a procedural rule for debate on legislation was 2002.

Beyond the surrender to Biden, conservatives were piqued by the Uniparty leadership allegedly retaliating against a Georgia congressman over his brave opposition. Rep. Andrew Clyde said they threatened to sink his bill to stop a gun regulation banning pistol braces if he voted against the debt ceiling bill (which he ultimately did).

Multiple conservatives cited this as the primary incentive for their rebellion.

“We’re not going to live in a system where our members are subject to this type of petty punishment,” said Matt Gaetz.

“It was an issue dealing with a member who was being threatened,” said Rep. Tim Burchett (R-Tenn.), another of the conservative no votes on Tuesday, in a reference to Clyde. “So I sent a clear message.”

This unprecedented uprising naturally raises the possibility over whether there will be a motion to “vacate the chair” and force a vote to remove McCarthy as Speaker. Under new House rules, it only takes one member of Congress, from either party, to bring a “motion to vacate” which forces a vote on removing the Speaker of the House.

But despite the righteous fury, members at this point appear reluctant to invoke the nuclear option and remove McCarthy.

Rep. Dan Bishop (R-NC), who was the first Republican to express his openness to removing McCarthy, told reporters “no decision has been made.” Bishop says his preference is to enforce the accord House conservatives brokered with McCarthy back in January.

He thinks today’s maneuver will force McCarthy to eventually bend.

“As you’re seeing right now. the majority cannot function without unity. So to pull a pin from the grenade, and roll it under the tent of the Republican unity as was done last week on the debt ceiling is untenable for leadership.”

Clyde also is not enthusiastic about removal despite leadership threatening him.

“I think we’re not there … the discussions haven’t occurred. It’s always an option. Right now I think we need to work on the issues in the Republican conference before we deal with motion to vacate,” Clyde said. “I would much prefer to see us work things out.”

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