
Democrat Rep. Raskin’s Latest Defense of Joe Biden’s Feeble State and Old Age is Laughable (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila

Democrat Rep. Jamie Raskin on Sunday defended Joe Biden’s feeble state and old age by comparing him to foreign dictators.

Joe Biden is declining both mentally and physically.

Biden took a bad spill last week after delivering the 2023 Air Force Academy commencement speech in Colorado Springs.

Biden can barely string a sentence together and he often gets lost.

CNN’s Dana Bash asked Raskin about Biden’s old age.

“Are voters wrong to be worried about reelecting a man who would be closer to 90 at the end of his second term than 80?” Dana Bash asked Raskin.

Raskin defended Joe Biden by comparing him to foreign dictators.

“You know, America is a country that loves youth and vitality, you know, which is why we have laws against age discrimination because we tend to favor youthfulness and the new thing,” Raskin said.

We also have laws against elder abuse.

“In a lot of countries, people who’ve been in office a longer period of time are praised for their wisdom, and I think that Joe Biden rightly says that he has grown very wise in his many decades in public office!” Raskin said.


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