Democrat Katie Hobbs Claims 2022 Arizona School Choice Expansion is “Illegal and Invalid” – Plans to Remove $50 Million in Funding | The Gateway Pundit | by Jordan Conradson
Katie Hobbs announced a step forward on her campaign promise “to oppose the universal expansion” of school choice vouchers by declaring them a violation of federal law and the State Constitution last week.
As The Gateway Pundit reported, The Arizona Legislature passed a new law in 2022 expanding the Empowerment Scholarship Account (ESA) program, giving every family in the state the freedom to choose their child’s school no matter which school they attend.
The new law puts students and parents first by funding the student instead of locking them into and forcing them to pay for a failing public school system.
According to Goldwater Institute, “families who participate would receive over $6,500 per year per child for private school, homeschooling, “learning pods,” tutoring, or any other kinds of educational service that would best fit their students’ needs outside the traditional public school system.”
This will give more parents the ability to afford private schooling or homeschooling for their students by lessening the burden of paying for private school.
Katie Hobbs did everything possible to prevent this law from taking effect late last year by halting the program and slow-walking the signature counting process for a failed ballot initiative to repeal the law. Because of her delay, Arizona homeschool families were unable to be reimbursed for any school supplies that were purchased before the ESAs were granted. Now, she’s using her office to attack school choice and families again.
Hobbs also proposed a budget earlier this year, calling for $40 million for illegal immigrants to receive in-state tuition rates and a full repeal of the ESA voucher expansion.
Katie Hobbs issued the following press release last week, denouncing the ESA expansion as “illegal and invalid.” She further claimed, “we are committed to deploying federal funds lawfully and equitably.”
Today, we held the Ducey Administration accountable for illegally handing out a $50 million ESA grant. Instead, we’re going to put that money to good use.
In my administration, we are committed to ESA accountability, protecting taxpayer dollars, and truly investing in public…
— Governor Katie Hobbs (@GovernorHobbs) May 25, 2023
PHOENIX- Today, Governor Katie Hobbs delivered notice to the Arizona State Treasurer’s Office that a $50 million grant made to the Treasurer in the final hours of the Ducey Administration is illegal and invalid. The grant agreement attempted to improperly use federal funds from the American Rescue Plan Act to fund all-day kindergarten for ESA recipients, despite the fact that the State funds only half-day kindergarten for public school students.
“Illegally giving $50 million to private schools while failing to properly invest in public education is just one egregious example of the previous administration’s blatant disregard for public school students,” said Governor Katie Hobbs. “I will always fight to protect our public schools and work to give every Arizona student the education they deserve. Today, we averted a violation of federal law and the State Constitution. In my administration, we are committed to deploying federal funds lawfully and equitably.”
The ESA grant agreement violates multiple constitutional provisions, including on equal protection, the gift clause, and maintenance of a general and uniform public school system. The agreement is also inconsistent with the American Rescue Plan Act because it does not address educational disparities as alleged in the agreement. The Governor’s Office is evaluating alternatives for legal use of the $50 million at issue.
Abe Hamadeh tweeted, “Katie is wrong. Kris Mayes and Katie Hobbs are targeting minority children who are trying to escape failing schools. They are lawless and heartless.”
Katie is wrong. Kris Mayes and Katie Hobbs are targeting minority children who are trying to escape failing schools. They are lawless and heartless.
— Abe Hamadeh (@AbrahamHamadeh) May 25, 2023
Katie Hobbs and liberal Democrats don’t want low-income, middle-class, and minority students to break away from failing public schools. After all, Katie Hobbs discriminates against black people.
When asked about the ESA expansion at a press conference yesterday, Hobbs falsely claimed the program is “out of control and has the potential to bankrupt our state.” Hobbs also said she is “looking at every possible option” to end the program before the end of this fiscal year.
During the conference, Hobbs also ducked questions about her obviously stolen election and ongoing lawsuits challenging the fraudulent results. She is an illegitimate leader hellbent on destroying Arizona families.
WATCH: Katie Hobbs Ducks Questions About Stolen 2022 Election, Signature Verification Fraud, and Ongoing Lawsuits From TGP Reporter During Press Conference
Arizona Daily Independent reports,
“Ducey was sloppy toward the end of his administration, and there are serious questions on his allocation of these monies, but make no mistake, Abe is right about Hobbs and Mayes. They are heartless and lawless, and this is a strictly political move to pander to their base,” said one lobbyist, who asked to speak on the condition of anonymity.
Hobbs is hoping to use the $50-million grant for her pet projects.
“Classless and defamatory,” tweeted JP Twist, a former Ducey staffer, referring to Hobbs’ announcement. “The only accountability Hobbs cares about is to education bureaucrats and teachers’ unions. This is a slap in the face to AZ parents. We pay the taxes, we should get to pick the school!”
Classless and defamatory. The only accountability Hobbs cares about is to education bureaucrats and teachers unions. This is a slap in the face to AZ parents. We pay the taxes, we should get to pick the school!
— J.P. Twist (@jp_twist) May 25, 2023