
Anti-Trans UFC Fighter Says He Could Beat Up Any 10 “Trans Men” in a Row – Transgender MMA Artist Accepts Challenge | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft

UFC star Jake Shields made headlines after he challenged 10 trans male fighters without a break between bouts. Now, wrestler transgender MMA artist Mark Beggs has accepted the challenge and vowed that he will ‘f**k up’ the former world title contender in the upcoming match.

Former UFC fighter Jake Shields issued a challenge to a battle to “the toughest trans men” on his Twitter account last month.

“Since trans men are real men I would like to challenge the 10 toughest trans men in the world to a fight I fight them with no training camp and no rest between each fight,” Shields tweeted on April 20.

“Let’s go, alphabet people get your 10 best and prove me wrong,” he added.

Shields changed his offer, saying he would face former UFC fighter Mike Jackson and 10 trans fighters simultaneously, after claiming he had received no responses from any trans fighters.

“My offer has been updated, I will fight Mike Jackson and 10 trans men. This is a serious offer so get your team ready,” he wrote.

“A million views and not a single trans Man has stepped up to accept my challenge. I’m starting to think they don’t have the balls to fight me,” he added.

Biological girl turned transgender man Mack Beggs of Texas announced on her Instagram that she accepts the challenge and is ready to fight Shields one on one.

“We just going to make this an official call out, but Jake Shields I will take you up on your offer,” she said via OutKick. “But the offer isn’t going to be 10 versus one and 10 trans men you’re going to be fighting for the rest of the night.”

“You’re going to do a one-on-one type match. You’re going to do it right. If you’re going to call yourself a fighter do it f***ing right. Like, that’s just f***ing disrespectful. It’s disrespectful to the sport of MMA for you to just be like ‘oh yeah let me just call out 10 trans men and I’ll f***ing whoop them.”

“And [to ask] if there even is any trans man fighters out there. And there is. The fact that everyone is like ‘oh yeah like trans women are f***ing up the fighting world. Hey, we still here too bro.”

“It’s the fact that y’all are so fixated and hyper-fixated and have some f***ing fetish with trans women that you even forget that we f***ing out here and we going to f*** you up,” she said.

Shields responded, “My offer is legit so have they/them contact me and they can start putting their team together.”

“People are calling me a coward for challenging 10 biological women to a fight. The same people calling me a coward are pushing to allow men in womens sports. Do they really not see their own hypocrisy?” Shields added.

Shields claimed that some fake accepted the challenge when he contacted them privately.

“They fake accepted then when I contacted them in private they said they didn’t actually mean it lol.”

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