
NOW WITH VIDEO: Passengers Scream at United Air Agent After They’re Locked Off Plane and Watch Their Bags Fly Off to Omaha | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft | 2

If you think traveling by air is a nightmare, try flying through O’Hare on United Airlines some time.

As reported earlier – Last night a tornado watch forced all planes to unload and every single passenger in the international airport to leave their gate and move to terminal C until the storm passed.

THOUSANDS of passengers were moved down two flights of stairs to a safe level at the airport – surrounded by windows.

After the weather cleared in about 30 minutes the good folks at O’Hare then forced every single passenger at the airport to go through security again.

This is what it looked like…

The line was endless. There were thousands lined up to get through security to reboard their flights. It took over an hour at 10:30 at night.

To top it off, after half the passengers (including us) made it to the gate at 11:45 PM, United Airlines closed the door. The plane sat on the tarmac for another 10 minutes as more and more passengers made it through security and to the gate. Then the plane took off at the rescheduled time of 11:55 PM with everyone’s luggage.

The stranded passengers watched through the windows as their luggage took off from O’Hare Airport on its way to Omaha.

Here’s hoping Sam Brinton does not reach Omaha before we do.

The poor United employee who drew the shortest straw was then forced to tell the dozens of stranded passengers they could go wait in the city block-long line at the United “help desk” to rebook their flights.

United Airlines cares. They really do.

That’s when passengers started screaming at the junior United employee.

As promised – Here is the video of the passengers at midnight screaming at the unlucky agent as their bags were flying off to Nebraska.

This was just a short video of the ranting and screaming by the angry passengers at O’Hare.

Of course, the hotels near O’Hare were all booked.

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