
Tenacity: The New Federal State of China Thrives on Adversity | The Gateway Pundit | by Promoted Post | 90

(Note: This is a sponsored post from NewNoah. The opinions expressed are those of the author and not necessarily those of Gateway Pundit)

by Kelly John Walker

“He never knew when he was whipped…So he never was.” Louis L’Amour, To the Far Blue Mountains

The greatest revolutions—the turnings from oppression to freedom—have been born of persecution. Comfortable men and women do not often change the world.

The New Federal State of China is the antidote to CCP’s toxic tyranny.

The horrors and human rights abuses of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) on their own people are well established. Theirs is a regime of darkness, terror, and destruction.

But there is light shining from that darkness, the antidote to toxic tyranny: The New Federal State of China (NFSC). This grass-roots collaboration of Chinese Whistleblowers began as a reaction to the persecution of Chinese nationals by Xi Jinping’s regime.

The more the CCP persecutes the NFSC, the stronger the movement becomes.

But the NFSC has quickly grown into a positive force to be reckoned with. Out of despair, hope has arisen; out of pain, power. And what the CCP cannot comprehend is that the more they plot and scheme and persecute, the stronger the movement becomes.

“We are a group of freedom-loving individuals who are united by the common goal of taking down the Chinese Communist Party.” Reads the NFSC website. “Many of us have experienced or witnessed firsthand the atrocities committed by the Chinese Communist Party.”

Among those who have had to endure the evil CCP’s sadistic brutality is Mr. Miles Guo (Aka Guo Wengui)—known as both enemy #1 as well as Victim-1 of the CCP.

On June 4, 2020, hundreds of millions of Chinese worldwide witnessed the establishment of the NFSC.

His fight against the CCP began in 1989 when he was jailed for two years after supporting the June 4 Tiananmen Square student movement. On the day of his arrest, two CCP policemen brutally shot and killed Mr. Guo’s youngest brother.

On January 2017, Guo launched the Whistleblower Movement by exposing the corruption and crimes of the CCP kleptocrats on the Internet. On June 4, 2020, hundreds of millions of Chinese worldwide witnessed the establishment of the NFSC.

Following Guo’s whistleblower activities, the CCP immediately commenced its Unrestricted Warfare against him through its global apparatus to remove him, inadvertently exposing its deep infiltration into the U.S. government and justice system. He became such a threat to the CCP’s malign plans to destroy the U.S. that when General Secretary Xi met with President Trump in 2017, Xi personally requested Guo’s removal to China. He even offered a new assistance package for North Korea in exchange. The CCP also paid a number of intermediaries and unregistered foreign agents to bring down Guo and return him to China.

On March 15, 2023—after a multi-year, illegal collaboration between the CCP, corrupt members of the U.S. Department of Justice, and individuals charged as unregistered foreign agents for China—Miles Guo was arrested by federal authorities in New York. Over 100 FBI agents raided his New York residence, handcuffed him, and then took him to court for interrogation on allegations of fraud.

“It’s not all about Miles Guo, it’s about America and its freedom!”

The Southern District of New York (SDNY) continues to hold Guo and an associate, Yvette Wang, without bail, contrary to their constitutionally protected rights.

Imagine having your founder and hero of hope seized by corrupt players of the country you fled to, hoping to find freedom—the very country you’ve been fighting to protect from the CCP! Some young organizations would fold if their founder were imprisoned…but not NFSC.

That’s because, as beloved as Mr. Guo is, the NFSC is bigger than one person. As CCP’s Victim #1 by rapper Omarr Shabazz says, “This whole Miles Guo thing is crazy, right. But what y’all have to understand, it’s not all about Miles Guo, it’s about America and its freedom!”

With over 500 million supporters around the world, NFSC seeks first to take down the CCP in America, and then build a future of freedom and love for the Chinese people.

“Communism in general, especially the CCP, has plagued the world for too long and has taken too many lives,” reads their website. “It has been infiltrating and attacking the free world with the goal of world domination. America, a nation of freedom-loving people, must not be destroyed by communist infiltration and corruption.”

Our Congress should and must consider the NFSC a crucial ally in the struggle against the multi-tentacled Chinese Communist Party.

Postscript: After the Author met representatives of NFSC at Turning Point’s America Fest 2023 in Phoenix this December, they told me that I’m like family and, “your struggle is now our struggle too.” These wonderful, freedom-loving people care about the United States and our people—not just in word, but in deed. They don’t just talk, they act on their convictions in ways our own Congress can learn from. Many members of NFSC are U.S. citizens, willing to sacrifice whatever it takes to keep America free. That spirit is worth protecting.

Kelly John Walker is an American statesman, writer, branding professional, and entrepreneur. He is the founder of FreedomTalk, host of FreedomTalk TV, and a freelance writer.

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