
“Getting in Shape for My Debates with President Biden” – Robert Kennedy, Jr. Releases Beefcake Push-Up Video to Rattle the Democrat Party Elites | The Gateway Pundit | by Jim Hoft | 2

Robert Kennedy Jr. after a set of pushups during one of his workouts.

On Saturday, photos of 69-year-old Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. working out and shirtless went viral on the internet.

The photos and video show Robert F. Kennedy pumping iron outside in jeans with friends. The son of former US Attorney General Robert Kennedy looks like a chiseled 20-year-old.

There is even video.

Not bad for a 69-year-old!

On Sunday RFK Jr. released a follow-up video on his own Twitter page.

Robert told his growing number of supporters he was getting in shape “for my debates with Joe Biden.”

RFK Jr. added:

Joe Biden couldn’t even find the gym, let alone use a treadmill without falling on his face.

The Democrat Party elites will not appreciate this one bit!

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