
“I’ll Be Sleeping Alone” – Joe Biden Makes Awkward Joke to Complete Silence From the Audience So He Tries to Recover by Walking Away (VIDEO) | The Gateway Pundit | by Cristina Laila | 42

Joe Biden traveled to Philadelphia on Saturday to tour the collapsed highway.

A portion of the northbound lanes on Interstate-95 (I-95) collapsed early Sunday morning following an explosion caused by a burning tanker truck.

Brain-damaged Democrat Senator John Fetterman joined brain-damaged Joe Biden at a press briefing on the reconstruction efforts.

Fetterman spoke complete gibberish as he praised Joe Biden.

At one point Joe Biden told an awkward joke to complete silence and crickets from the audience.

“I might add that if I didn’t, I’ll be sleeping alone,” Biden said to crickets. “I better explain that some more. My wife is a Philly girl.”

*Still crickets*

Biden tried to recover from his dumb joke by walking away, “Alright, where are we going?”



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